Want me to help you blow up 
your TikTok account fast?
Growing on TikTok is hard, if you have no idea what you’re doing. A lot of creators struggle to get traction. People spend months, even years toiling away with nothing to show for it. There’s nothing more frustrating than pouring your heart and soul into a piece of content, only to watch it struggle to get past 200 views. It sucks watching other people with half the talent earn more than you.

The good news is, this doesn’t have to be your reality.

I’m here to help you simplify your strategy, so you can grow your account faster than you could ever imagine.

I took my first TikTok account from 0 - 10,000 followers in under six weeks. A few months later, I crossed 50,000 followers and have had dozens of videos go viral, bringing in tens of millions of views and thousands of leads and customers. My email list exploded. I now get dozens of new leads every week for my service business (more than I can take on). Weirdly enough, my OTHER social media accounts grew as well, including my YouTube channel which got monetized in 30 days after four videos. (I now have over 24,000 subscribers and earn $2,000/month in passive income from ads, and over $10,000/month in product sales.)

I’d like to help you. Let me take a peek at your account and lay out a simple, streamlined plan for growth. A few tweaks could make your account explode, and bring in a ton of new business.
Select a package below and we can get started. I only do a handful of these account audits each month, so apply now:

Choose Your Package

TikTok Foundations Package

One Time Payment
  • Initial Account Assessment: Detailed questionnaire that’ll give me insight into your account and the “holes in your game” we need to fix.
  • Growth Game Plan: In-depth video walkthrough of your account with guidance on: your name, bio, links, content, posting schedule, video style, and more. You’ll have a list of action items to implement to get your account growing fast.


TikTok Kickstart

One Time Payment
  • Includes everything in the TikTok Launch package, plus:
  • One-on-One Coaching Call with Mike: We’ll review your Growth Game Plan and you’ll be able to ask me anything about TikTok growth. We can even brainstorm ideas for new videos, new hooks, and new concepts that will get you hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of views.
  • Private Call Recording: You’ll get access to the video call recording, so you can go back and revisit your action plan.


TikTok Accelerate Package

One Time Payment
  • Includes everything in the Launch & Growth Engine Package, plus:
  • “Your next 20,000 followers” Roadmap: I’ll lay out everything you need to do to get your next 20,000 followers. You’ll have an in-depth plan to follow that lays out every step you need to take. It will focus on the following areas:
  • What kind of videos should you make? I’ll outline a number of examples you can model that’ll quickly get more views, more engagement, more followers, and more inbound leads… even if you’ve got a small account.
  • What hooks & headlines should you use? You’ll get a list of “texts” and hooks to use at the beginning of your videos that’ll stop the scroll and get more people watching. You’ll become a master of grabbing that crucial “first 5 seconds of attention” that keep people watching your videos, to the end.
  • How to script & film better videos. Simple set up tips, customized for your environment, that’ll grab attention and make your videos more visually appealing.
  • How to get paid under the “Creator Rewards Program.” I’ll outline how you can start getting paid for your best videos. All you’ve gotta do is get more people to watch your 1+ minute long videos, and have them watch at least five seconds… and you can unlock a whole new “passive” revenue stream on your account. Getting paid to post just got a whole lot easier!
  • Why is this only $979? I wanted to price this so it’s a win-win. It’s a small investment you can recoup quickly, after your first few successful videos. You’re going to get an A-Z plan that’ll not only get you more views and subscribers, but also more inbound leads who can turn into cold hard cash in your pocket.


Send me an email right now

I only offer a few of these packages each month, for people who are a “good fit.” I personalize each audit so it’s specific to YOUR account, so you can stop being stuck and finally start growing.

If you know TikTok is an important piece of the puzzle that’ll help you grow your brand, then this is the right move for you. If you’ve got a real business and you need more leads, this is the fastest way to make it happen. One single video can change the trajectory of your business, it happens all the time. After your first mega-viral video, your business will never be the same. More importantly: you’ll now have a recipe for how to replicate viral videos that attract more of your dream customers and clients. And you’ll be able to pump out viral hit after viral hit… and you’ll never have to struggle to get leads and followers ever again.

If you’re ready, here’s what to do now:

Email me at mike@reddirtmarketingco.com and tell me:
  • 1. Your handle and a link to your profile: tell me a bit about who you are, the story of your business, and the type of content you usually post.
  • ​2. Your goals: tell me what a “dream come true” outcome would look like for you, if we were to work together. If I think we’d be a good fit, I’ll let you know. And if, for some reason, we’re not a good fit… I’ll direct you to some resources that I think can help.
  • 3. Preferred package option: tell me which of these three packages you’d like to move forward with.
I’ll review your email and let you know next steps, if we’re a good fit. Once we work together, your business is going to reach a whole new level. Get ready. Get excited. TikTok is about to get fun again.
Who is Mike Yanda?
Howdy! I’m Mike, a lawyer turned stay-at-home dad and TikTok growth expert. For the past decade, I’ve been growing and scaling online businesses using social media. I built a multi-million dollar digital course brand (Laptop Empires), a seven-figure social media agency (Red Dirt Marketing), and a multiple six-figure organic social media personal brand.
If you’d like to grab my 10 Steps To Build A Consistent & Scalable Income With TikTok training that’ll take you behind the scenes of my system, then click below.

Click below to get instant access to this FREE training.

© Mike Yanda, 2024 / All Rights Reserved